Sunday, January 17, 2010

Great News!

I have great news for everyone! ChicagoNow, a subsidairy of the Tribune Company has offered to host my food blog about Chicago on their website! One of my friends who works at Triblocal, the local section of the Tribune I've been writing for since the summer suggested I pitch my food blog to ChicagoNow. I didn't even know about them but I figured why not and if they reject me I can continue to write my other one. Well a few days later I get an email from a community manager at ChicagoNow who wanted to speak with me about my blog. They loved the idea and wanted to pick it up! I was sooooooo excited :-) I'll continue to keep everyone updated about when it launches, etc.

1 comment:

  1. AHHH!!! This is SO exciting!!!

    I can't wait to hear what's going to happen next!
